I train the next generation of earth scientists in characterization and interpretation of sedimentary rocks and the earth processes that create them. The goal is to develop capable scientists who can address challenges ranging from mitigating global climate change to meeting global energy demands.
I value inquiry-based learning approaches in the classroom and hands-on research opportunities in field and lab settings. Excellence in these arenas requires conscientious practices that actively support the growth and development of a broad student population in higher education at large and in the earth sciences specifically.

Courses Currently Taught
Physical Oceanography (GEOL 203)
Earth System Science (SUST 201 & 201L)
Physical Oceanography (GEOL 203)
Energy Geology (593A)
Technical Writing (GEOL 505)
Past courses:​
Earth Through Time (GEOL 103 & 103L)
Sedimentology & Stratigraphy (GEOL 311)
Field Camp (GEOL 404)
Deep Time Earth Systems (GEOL 411)
Advanced Sedimentation (GEOL 616)
Advanced Stratigraphy (GEOL 615)
Exploring Geoscience Solutions (EGeoS): a place-based curriculum designed to investigate the climate challenge through potential solutions
Designed to address high school Science Standards in multiple courses: Earth and Space Science, Life Sciences, Chemistry, Physics and Physical Sciences
Open Access Historical Geology Lab Manual
Created through generous support of the WVU Teaching and Learning Commons
Coming soon!